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Sắc ký khí Agilent GC-FID/MS

Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)
Model: Agilent 7890B - 5977A GCMS System
Manufacturer: Agilent Technologies / USA
Year of Production: 2015, Brandnew 100%

Agilent 7890B Series GC Custom. 
 - includes LAN interface, 7693 interface ,20-ramp oven programming, 6 heated zones, 2 analog out, keyboard and display pressure setpoints to 0.001psi (0-99 psi) 
100psi Split/splitless inlet Accy
 - Capillary inlet system with electronic pneumatics control (EPC) for split/splitless injection and Turn Top sealing system. 0-100 psi operation. 
Pneumatics Control Module.  
 - Provides two channels of EPC.  One channel is either flow or pressure, the second is pressure only.
Purged Ultimate Union kit for GC/MS system
 - Allows column change or inlet maintenance without venting the MS system.  Also allows column backflush. 
Agilent 7693A Autoinjector
 - Includes transfer turret, 16-sample turret, mounting post, "parking" post for GC,  10 ul syringe, and solvent bottles
Agilent 7693A 150 Vial Tray
 - Includes three removable 50-vial racks and GC mounting bracket
7890A MSD Interface Accessory
 - For use with Agilent mass selective detector (MSD. Uses one heated zone
Agilent 5977A Extractor MSD 
 - With Performance Turbo Pump and Extractor (Xtr) EI Source with DS42i power save pump as default.
GCMSD MassHunter with MSD ChemStation DA.
 -  Includes GCMS Acquisition, MassHunter Data Analysis, MSD ChemStation Data Analysis and MICROSOFT EXCEL.
NIST 2011 MS Library
 -  Includes 243k spectra with names, chemical structures, and retention indices. Includes MS/MS Spectra Library, NIST search and AMDIS programs.
Deconvolution Reporting Software 
Pesticide RTL Database/Library
 - Contains 920+ compounds and RTL method.
PC + Printer 
Micro-Ion Vacuum Gauge for use with 5977 MSD
MSD High Mass Checkout Kit
 - Includes PFHT test standard and checkout instructions
Install Kit for GCs w/Gas Purifiers
Column Installation tool 
Screw cap vials 2ml, clear 100/PK
Blue screw caps 100/PK
DB-5MS Ultra Inert 30m, 0.25mm, 0.25um
Installation and training 
 - To be done by our trained engineers at customer's site within 1 weeks.
 - IQ/OQ/PV will be provided based on customer in house instrument performance verification as per method to be applied on instrument.
 - Depending on the cases, Agilent's engineers will support customer of method development and verifications

Note: Required N2, He, UPS 10 kVA but not included.

Có thể kết hợp các đầu dò khác: FID..
Cung cấp hệ thống sắc ký chính hãng từ Agilent cùng quang phổ hồng ngoại. ICP-MS.

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